Those who are sad now are happy .
God will comfort them.
.......... Matthew 5.4
Hitting Bottom
God will comfort them.
.......... Matthew 5.4
Problems are Opportunities in Disguise
“Life is a grindstone, and whether it grinds you down or polishes you up is for you and you alone to decide.”
Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has problems. It is an inescapable part of life. Some people believe that they will be happy once they eliminate their current problems, but the only time you won’t have problems is when you’re dead! Having problems means that you’re alive. In fact, some say that the bigger the problem, the better the person.
Most people view having problems as a negative thing, but it doesn’t have to be this way. We can choose to change our view on the world and see our problems as opportunities. If you have never faced an extremely difficult problem and overcome it, or if you’re in the midst of one, you may have a difficult time believing that problems are opportunities in disguise.
Hitting Bottom
In 1974, Mark Victor Hansen seemed to be on top of the world. He was doing well financially and the world was his oyster. Then the business he was in was adversely affected by economic conditions, and the next thing Mark knew he was checking a book out from the library entitled How to Go Bankrupt by Yourself (he couldn’t afford an attorney).
At his all time lowest moment, he felt like a negative 12 on a scale of 1-10. He was physically ill, tears welled up in his eyes. He climbed into a shell. He felt totally dejected and rejected.
He began unloading toilet paper off railroad cars in New York’s freezing winter, making only $2.14 an hour. He could only afford to put $0.25 into his gas tank at a time. His self esteem was totally trashed. He had hit bottom.
But looking back, he realized that hitting bottom provided his greatest opportunities. It was a turning point in his life. He realized that at that point, the world was totally open to him. He had no job to cling to, no bills, no debts, no obligations. The world was wide open to him. Everything was potential.
Burning Your Bridges
Today Mark Victor Hansen is co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series, the largest all time best-selling books in history, with sells way into the billions of dollars. He owns a lovely estate and several substantial businesses, and influences millions of people. A friend told Mark later, “You burned your bridges, you had to succeed!”
He thought that his financial disaster had been a problem, but in reality, once he hit bottom, in only turned out to be the start of a new and better life. Like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, his ruin turned out to be the birth of his new beginnings. His problem was really a life-changing opportunity.
Mark is the first to tell everyone that if he can do it, you can too. You can achieve wealth and financial independence. It’s available to everyone that believes they can achieve it.
Many of us face problems that are even worse than financial difficulties, for example, issues with physical appearance, ‘handicaps’, emotional/mental stress, relationship strains or health matters.
None of the challenges need to equate to living a less than extraordinary life. As an example, we can look at the story of Malcolm from Canada.
Ugly Doesn’t Matter
Malcolm had one of the most mangled faces that you’ve ever seen. He had stitches all across his face, one eyelid was stitched shut, as well as three-quarters of his mouth.
He and his fiancee had been walking in the woods. Somehow they found themselves between a mama bear and her cubs. The bear grabbed hold of his fiancee, and Malcolm tried to stop the bear, whereupon the mama bear crushed every major bone in Malcolm’s body. She then almost literally ripped his face off, back toward the scalp.
It was a miracle that he lived, and he underwent restorative surgery for the next eight years. The doctors did all they could do, but it hadn’t helped much. Malcolm saw himself as an ugly person. He didn’t want to come into contact with society.
He decided to take his own life by throwing himself and his wheelchair off the tenth floor of his rehabilitation center. He was ready to push himself over when his father, who was listening to an intuitive voice, came running up and stopped him just in time. He said, “Malcolm, every human being has scar tissue deep inside him somewhere. Most of us where it under a smile, some cosmetics and nice attire. You get to wear yours on the outside, but we’re all the same.”
Later, Malcolm began reading books and listening to audio tapes. He heard “Setbacks are given to ordinary people to make them extraordinary.” He decided that he was an extraordinary person. He wrote down what he wanted to do, what he dreamed about.
He got a job as an insurance salesman- a job where he had to expose himself to people everyday. A few years later he became the top insurance salesman in Vancouver.
Malcolm realized that it wasn’t his looks that were his challenge. It was how he viewed and felt about himself. His physical challenge was an opportunity to discover who he truly was and what he was capable of doing. Once he began to see what he ‘really’ looked like, his deformed face became irrelevant. He was able to break through his fears and achieve amazing results.
The World is Filled with Opportunity
No matter what challenge or problem you face, there is someone who has faced or experienced similar things. There have been two outcomes, those who were defeated, beaten and destroyed by their problems, and those who chose to not give in and give up, but allowed their problems to be turned into opportunities to grow and become a better person. Every problem contains within it the seed of an opportunity.
“But I’m not like them,” you might be saying to yourself, “I’m not a ‘super-achiever’.” To believe that you can’t do what others have done is to sell yourself short. You have more potential within you than you could use in 100 lifetimes. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH!
Action Steps
1. Imagine that your biggest challenge or problem has been sent to you as a gift to help you learn something valuable. What might it be?
2. We all make mistakes, in fact it’s estimated that 70% of our decisions will be wrong. Don’t beat yourself up for your mistakes. Instead learn from them and move on.
3. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting different results. We all make mistakes, but we don’t need to make the same ones over and over. Write down the lessons you’ve learned, and then try not to repeat them.
आज का जो प्रत्यक्ष प्रतीत दुःख है वह कल का प्रच्छन्न सुख है। कल की संभावनाएं हैं। यहां सुख के कंधे पर दुःख और दुःख के कंधे पर सुख छद्म रूप खड़ा ही रहता है। जो है वह सब बीत जाता है न यहां सुख स्थाई है न दुःख। न पुण्य शेष रहता है न पाप। यहां न पुण्य के कुनबे के प्रतीक राम रहे न पाप के परिवार के अहंकारी रावण रहे।
राम गइयो रावनु गइयो जा कउ बहु परवार ,
कहु नानक थिरु कछु नही सपने जिउ संसारि।
--------------- (नौवां महला ,पचासवां श्लोक श्रीगुरुग्रंथ साहब ).
चिंता ताकी कीजीए जो अनहोनी होइ ,
इह मारगु संसार को नानक थिरु नही कोइ। (श्रीगुरुग्रंथ साहब,नौवां महला ५१ वां श्लोक ) )
तुलसी भरोसे राम के रह्यो खाट पे सोय.
अनहोनी होनी नही होनी होय सो होय .
जो हुआ है वह होनहार है अनहोना नहीं है अनहोना कुछ नहीं होता है जो हुआ है हो चुका है वह अनहोनिओ कैसे हुआ ?
यह पल भी बीत जाएगा। एक नया रास्ता जीवन का संग लिए आती है डिस्गाइज़ ,प्रच्छन्न वेश (भेष )धरके आता है जीवन के लिए कोर्स करेक्शन ,बदलाव का नया रास्ता। इससे हताश निराश परास्त होना कैसा ?क्यों ?
आज का जो प्रत्यक्ष प्रतीत दुःख है वह कल का प्रच्छन्न सुख है। कल की संभावनाएं हैं। यहां सुख के कंधे पर दुःख और दुःख के कंधे पर सुख छद्म रूप खड़ा ही रहता है। जो है वह सब बीत जाता है न यहां सुख स्थाई है न दुःख। न पुण्य शेष रहता है न पाप। यहां न पुण्य के कुनबे के प्रतीक राम रहे न पाप के परिवार के अहंकारी रावण रहे।
राम गइयो रावनु गइयो जा कउ बहु परवार ,
कहु नानक थिरु कछु नही सपने जिउ संसारि।
--------------- (नौवां महला ,पचासवां श्लोक श्रीगुरुग्रंथ साहब ).
चिंता ताकी कीजीए जो अनहोनी होइ ,
इह मारगु संसार को नानक थिरु नही कोइ। (श्रीगुरुग्रंथ साहब,नौवां महला ५१ वां श्लोक ) )
तुलसी भरोसे राम के रह्यो खाट पे सोय.
अनहोनी होनी नही होनी होय सो होय .
जो हुआ है वह होनहार है अनहोना नहीं है अनहोना कुछ नहीं होता है जो हुआ है हो चुका है वह अनहोनिओ कैसे हुआ ?
यह पल भी बीत जाएगा। एक नया रास्ता जीवन का संग लिए आती है डिस्गाइज़ ,प्रच्छन्न वेश (भेष )धरके आता है जीवन के लिए कोर्स करेक्शन ,बदलाव का नया रास्ता। इससे हताश निराश परास्त होना कैसा ?क्यों ?
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